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英国之宝 Meridian MCD-PRO 双层巴士 CD

英国之宝 Meridian MCD-PRO 双层巴士 CD

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简单描述:英国之宝 Meridian MCD-PRO 双层巴士

联系人:李军科 13980819109 微信号:cdlaoli2


英国之宝 Meridian MCD-PRO 双层巴士  带原包装!
MERIDIAN PRO-MCD英国之宝第一代顶级CD机, 早期荷兰产,CDM1铸铝底座德国玻璃光头,正版、刻录读碟好,TDA1540解码,铸铝机身重量级制作,


声音还原度极高,高中低三段均衡全面,唱腔醇厚贵气,大气圆滑对口型,密度好泛音丰富,分析力细致入微,动态鲜活磅礴不乱,音乐感模拟味特别靓,很全面的机。坐下来可以令人放松入神享受的英国高贵典雅音色。STUDER 730可能不是对手,欢迎PK交流。

电话:13632593291  价格:11000元 带包装,成色看实物图,状态好!


BBC电台版本 碟震用1:1专业精造无氧碟模压盘 ,读碟平衡防震稳定,减少马达转速震荡时读取信号产生的误码率,使音频数据更精准还原,这个技术也算是英国之宝世界首创独一无二技术。

However, bar the CDM CDM1 and the looks, there is little in common with the original electronics.
Mainly : the entire Philips audio board was junked, replaced by the same system (14bit with OS for 16bit end-resolution) but with better assembly and shielding, faster tracking servos and upped power-supply.

The MCD is the one-box version (audio board changed inside), the MCD-PRO the two-box item shown here and remembered by everybody (everything changed inside).

You can read the minutiously full description (MCD-PRO) here ; another page of the same source has the reviewer and designer Bob Stuart arguing about the nature of a capacitor !

At 380,000¥, Meridian didn't sell that many MCD-PROs but set with it on a very successful path in pricey audiophilia, far from the magnificent but commercially failed Lecson attempt.
