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万宝路2  CD-80191

万宝路2 CD-80191

  • 商品货号:YSL001570
  • 商品品牌:泰拉克
  • 本店售价:¥110元
  • 商品点击数:29629


联系人:洪小姐 13005219988 TEL:0754-8878444 E-mall:yslcd@126.com

经销地址:汕头市天山南路丹阳西二区1栋103(丹阳中学对面) 艺士林唱片

艺士林唱片在线客服(即时咨询)艺士林唱片微信号微信号:yslcd88878444 购买时请报标题最后编号

cd: erich kunzel, cincinnati pops orchestra - happy trails 01. stampede [0:00:50.32]
02. theme from the sons of katie elder [0:02:03.43]
03. ghost riders in the sky [0:03:54.65]
04. theme from the good, the bad and the ugly [0:03:04.62]
05. prelude from duel in the sun [0:01:43.23]
06. buggy… cd: erich kunzel, cincinnati pops orchestra - happy trails 01. stampede [0:00:50.32]
02. theme from the sons of katie elder [0:02:03.43]
03. ghost riders in the sky [0:03:54.65]
04. theme from the good, the bad and the ugly [0:03:04.62]
05. prelude from duel in the sun [0:01:43.23]
06. buggy ride from duel in the sun [0:02:18.37]
07. prelude from giant [0:02:24.45]
08. the green leaves of summer from the alamo [0:04:43.68]
09. theme from the man who shot liberty valance [0:03:09.22]
10. theme from johnny guitar [0:02:22.48]
11. the cowboys from sunset [0:03:47.40]
12. the cowboy code [gene autry] back in the saddle again [0:01:29.60]
13. cowboy songs [0:08:17.60]
14. mule train [0:03:08.10]
15. saloon brawl [0:00:50.55]
16. theme from the wild bunch [0:03:51.00]
17. theme from lonesome dove [0:03:26.02]
18. theme from oklahoma crude [0:02:26.48]
19. authentic steam engine [0:00:25.62]
20. orange blossom special [0:02:11.18]
21. medley of tv western themes [0:07:17.35]
22. happy trails [roy rogers] [0:03:47.32]

康泽尔首次执指挥棒是在一九六五年十月,指挥辛辛那提交响乐队,一九七○年应赞德勒之邀指挥波士顿大众管弦乐队,七七年辛辛那提大众管弦乐队成立后,即任命erich担任指挥,该管弦乐队在世界各地巡回演出及出过数十张专辑后,声名大噪,深受全球乐迷的喜爱,成立迄今已迈入第二十三个年头,erich亦创下个人事业的新里程牌,九九年时推出第六十五张专辑。 一九九一年时,康泽尔史无袄亓哪瓯幻拦衾衷又尽禸illboard》选为年度最佳古典混合音乐艺术家。康泽尔六十五张专辑中,有五十张登上《billboard》排行榜,八七年、八九年、九一年及九三年皆有获得葛莱美奖提名,九八年则以copland: music of america得到葛莱美奖。 康泽尔在全美一些管弦乐队定期担任客座指挥,最常指挥芝加哥交响乐队,曾吸引二万二千位听众到场,另外在花季音乐节指挥克里夫兰管弦乐队时,则有二万二千五百名听众。九六年七月四日音乐会,更是缔造了近一百万名听众到国会大厅聆听音乐的记录。
