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Zino Francescatti A Treasury of Studio Recordings 弗兰西斯卡第 小提琴珍品集 3CD    CD-1260

Zino Francescatti A Treasury of Studio Recordings 弗兰西斯卡第 小提琴珍品集 3CD CD-1260

  • 本店售价:¥220元
  • 商品点击数:29066


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经销地址:汕头市天山南路丹阳西二区1栋103(丹阳中学对面) 艺士林唱片

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Zino Francescatti 弗兰西斯卡第 (violin)
Details: 法比小提琴学派最佳代表物,1931~1955年于哥伦比亚唱片(Colombia) 的11张珍贵黑胶唱片精华
精彩演绎法兰西作曲家浪漫风情: 萧颂/ 德布西/拉威尔/ 彿瑞/ 法朗克…小提琴奏鸣曲 / 魏尔当: 第4号小提琴协奏曲/ 拉罗: 西班牙随想曲
详附弗氏毕生录音清单( 详列出版公司/ 唱片编号)

In the 1930s the United States was the mecca for musicians but only the outstanding ones could hope to launch a career. Rene Charles (Zino) Francescatti made his US debut, aged 37, in 1939 playing Paganini’s first concerto with the New York Philharmonic conducted by Barbirolli. He was eventually recognised as one of the world’s leading violinists. This collection brings together his best commercially issued recordings, mainly of French music, in new digital transfers.
CD 1: (75:42) Chausson - Concerto in D. Casadesus, Guilet Quartet, 1954. Debussy - Sonata No. 3. Casadesus, 1946. Ravel – Sonata. Balsam, 1955. CD 2: (72:Faure - Sonatas, No. 1 in A & No. 2 in e. Casadesus, 1953; Vieuxtemps - Concerto No. 4 in in d. Ormandy, Philadelphia Orchestra, 1954. CD 3: (77:12) Lalo - Symphonie Espagnole, Op. 21. Cluytens, Le Grand Orch. Symph. Col., 1954. Franck - Sonata in A; Casadesus, 1947. Ravel –Tzigane. M. Fauré, 1931. Ravel – Kaddisch, Pièce en forme de Habanera & Berceuse. Balsam, 1955.
3CD = 2CD Price
