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Phono Boxes 转盘转接盒

Phono Boxes 转盘转接盒

  • 价格请来电商议
  • 商品点击数:38036


联系人:杨启发 电话:0754-88824444 手机:13902743106

联系地址:广东省汕头市龙湖区珠江路46号创意大厦二楼3号 发记音响


Pnono Boxes 转盘转接盒


CPTB ST Phono Interface Box with 12" custom 
Cardas phono lead, straight DIN.
12"Caradas输出线,配S DIN
CPTB RT Phono Interface Box with 12" custom
Cardas phono lead, right angle DIN.
12"Caradas输出线,配R DIN

CPIB Phono Interface Box, billet aluminum,
black anodized. 2 female RCAs, 2 grounding 
CPTPNAIM This CPTP-Naim Converter Box allows
owners of Naim electronics to use traditional
RCA terminated cables. A Naim connector is 
wired withfourconductor, Cardas Golden Sect-
ion cable to a Cardas,billet aluminum, black
anodized,Interface Box with 2 Cardas female

NAIM 转换座。
