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Mahsa Vahdat The sun will rise    FXCD422

Mahsa Vahdat The sun will rise FXCD422

  • 商品货号:YSL004062
  • 商品品牌:kkv
  • 本店售价:¥140元
  • 商品点击数:28591


联系人:洪小姐 13005219988 TEL:0754-8878444 E-mall:yslcd@126.com

经销地址:汕头市天山南路丹阳西二区1栋103(丹阳中学对面) 艺士林唱片

艺士林唱片在线客服(即时咨询)艺士林唱片微信号微信号:yslcd88878444 购买时请报标题最后编号

1. The sun rises
2. My eyes brim with the sea
3. Show your face
4. Deylaman
5. The blue of passion
6. The pain of love
7. The pair of your hair
8. The scent of earthSD
9. The land of love
10. Plea
11. Neyriz
12. Imprints
13. The hidden secret
14. The leili lullaby
15. The vow
16. Rapacious lovers
17. The caravan of life
18. Elegy for a beloved one
19. The news of reunion
20. Lullaby
21. Primordial mysteries
