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荷兰live cable(现场 拉阔)premium平衡线

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这个目的已经达到了超过四年的连续设计和测试具有一批高素质的产品如经销商和电源线。High-quality not only formed by our own experiences, reviewers and journalists too have spoken of a revelation after listening to Live Cable products. The philosophy which Live Cable pursues is to devise and manufacture everything itself. We believe that only by doing this, the highest quality and finishing can be guaranteed.

Our products are built without compromise.
Live Cable is not led by the commercial idea to acquire a position in a certain (price)segment. Hence, our quality is not influenced by the market demand, because then the danger of quality concessions arise. We develop from one though: uncompromising…


如果最终的结果是没有设置这个标准,重新编程的完美归宿800 900规范。


The high-end ethos - that music and the quality of the reproduction of music are very important - is expressed in high-end audio components.They are designed by devoted, enthusiastic people who combine both technical skill with musical sensitivity to construct components which bring its listeners one step closer to the live experience. High-end products are designed with the ear and build by hand. They exists for one sole reason: to enhance the experience of listening to music.

A common misunderstanding among many hifi consumers is the picture that high-end audio equals expensive audio. To the masses, high-end audio is nothing more than complicated audio devices with many luxurious options and a price tag aimed for millionaires! The general consensus is that the performance might be “a little better” compared to the hifi sold around the corner, but who can afford something like that? Besides, high-end audio is considered to be exclusive for trained listeners, snobs of hardware and gadget freaks, but not for the average man or woman.


其次,高端音频是关于音乐的消息传递;它不是豪华的选项。In fact, high-end systems are often much more user-friendly than most mid-fi systems produced en masse. This is due to the fact that high-end ethics require the removal of all non-essential and useless functions, instead focussing all resources on the quality of the sound. High-end audio is made for those with a love of music, not electronics.

Third; everyone who loves music can immediately recognize a quality product. There is no need for a ‘golden-ear’ to hear what has a good sound.The differences between good and average music reproductions are clear. The reaction - usually an expression of delight or surprised satisfaction - of someone who hears a high-end audio system for the first time, underlines that high-end audio is appreciated by everyone. If you like music, you will love a high-end system. 那么简单。



想象自己对盯着广阔的大峡谷,被那壮美的一幕(右边的照片是安塞尔·伊士顿·亚当斯的代表作)。你不经历只是这个巨大的雕塑雕刻从地球深处的浩瀚,但你也经历了微妙的细节从非常活跃的景观。你可以从中看到岩石的颜色和色调的精细度。即使是巨大的岩石更微妙的细节,只是看着它区分开来,使你的知觉的深化和提升。对比光线和阴影暴露裂缝和深渊的看似无止境的网络。的时间越长,你越看,你越看。The sheer wealth of perceptual incentives make you freeze at the edge, deeply respecting the incomprehensible beauty of nature.
Listening music played by a mediocre audio installation is like staring at the Grand Canyon through the layered glass. Every component in the chain of audio reproduction - CD player, pre-amplifier, final amplifier, the speakers and the cables which connect everything - reforms the signal throughput. 这是不可避免的。One device can lay down a coarse and grain texture of the individual instruments. Another device brings down the dynamic contrast between loud and soft passages, causing the dynamic expression of the composer to be weakened. Another component drapes a thick, dull frosting over the music, causing the subtle sub tonal variegation to be destroyed and all instruments are ‘poured’ upon by meaningless timbre. Finally, it diminishes the window frame - meaning; the complete electronic and mechanical display system - the grandeur or the size that describes the artistic meaning of the artist.

High-end audio is about removing as many layers of glass, and letting the remainder of the layers be as transparent as possible. The less layers and the less influence these layers have on the flow of information that passes it, the closer we get to the ‘real experience’ and the deeper we connect to the musical message.

Why are high-end audio products more transparent windows staring over the musical happening than ordinary ‘stereo-installations’ found everywhere? High-end products are designed to sound good - meaning, as in real life. They are not designed to perform according to some technical specification. The true high-end designer listens to the product during all stages of development. The true designer switches and tests multiple techniques to achieve that one goal: to reproduce the best ‘live experience’ possible. This devotion leads to a zealous investigation, which involves hundreds of hours of listening, in addition to a meticulous attention to every factor with an influence on the sound. Often they replace a component with a more expensive replacement, sacrificing profit margin to offer a better quality for the same price. 为什么?Because the high-end designer is deeply committed to the music and her reproduction.

On the other hand, the mass products of the big electronics companies are designed from the thought of having to perform ‘on paper’ - by means of the technical specifications of the device - to the expense of sound quality. A prime example of this is the “THD-war” from the 1970s and 1980s. THD means ‘Total Harmonic Distortion’, a specification which is used as a standard for the quality of an amplifier by inexperienced consumers. The lower the THD-value, the better the amplifier was thought to be. This brought about a race between large corporations to bring products on the market with increasingly lower THD-values. 最后,它成为一个比赛看哪个品牌最有零后面的逗号(如0001的THD)。许多消费者买他们的接收机或放大器仅基于该值。

即使低THD值是一个值得称道的设计目标,并作为一个结果,来实现这些低值的方法造成大的问题。一个推低THD值的技术被称为“反馈”。这意味着,该放大器的输出信号的一部分反馈到输入。大量的反馈减少谐波失真,但同时造成的问题影响了放大器的质量。但这些大电子公司觉得这个过程影响质量?Absolutely not. The only thing that mattered was producing a product which would sell in large quantities. They made a trade-off, sacrificing musical performance for a meaningless technical specification, which was sold to the audience as being of great importance. Buyers who purchased audio components based on a piece of paper stating technical details were stuck with a mediocre or bad performing sound system. Ironically, amplifiers with the lowers THD-values possessed the lowest quality too.

This example illustrates the enormous difference between producers who produce for the masses and the high-end designers. The latter care much more about how the product sounds, rather than how it performs ‘on paper’. 他们也知道,他们的客户只会根据他们听到的购买,不是基于规格。


高端产品往往是由一个更好的客户服务而中期FI生产者。Because high-end producers care more about their products and clientele, they generally offer longer warrantees, easier maintenance and replacements routines and better service. It is not unusual for high-end producers to repair products which have no warrantee, free of charge. This does not mean that it is a given fact; it only says that it happens in high-end whilst being unthinkable with mass products. High-end enterprises care about their customers.

These characteristics also apply to high-end retailers. The high-end retailer shares that passion for music reproduction that you have and the adds the wish to offer you a good service. When you are used to buying audio at the large electronics warehouse, you will be pleasantly surprised when you visit a real high-end retailer. 而不是试图卖给你一些东西,只是不适合你或你的系统,高端零售商将它视为自己的责任,组成一个系统,将满足您的需求的最佳时间最长的可能。这样的零售商将把你的音乐满意而不是卖这个月的“提供”。



现在我们知道将一个高端的企业一个共同的电子仓库:关怀的态度,高端设计师接洽的音乐。The high-end designer does not make boxes that can be sold like any other domestic- or trade product; he or she makes music instruments, of which the performance is of decisive influence in the way his or her clientele experience the music. The high-end component is the physical manifestation of a deeply felt fascination and attention to which the accuracy of the musical reproduction is portrayed, including the satisfaction the purchaser will experience him- or herself.

The high-end designer crafts products, to which he or she would to listen to at home. Because he or she cares about music, it is important for him or her how the unknown listener, possible thousands of kilometres away enjoys the music. The bigger the involvement of the listener to the music, the better the designer has done his or her job.

A known designer of digital processors is an example of this devotion. In a new design they placed a resistor with a price of about one euro (rather than the usual cents that were previously spent on such a resistor component). 当产品准备投入生产,设计师寻求如何进一步提高产品的质量。他发现了一个奇特的电阻的试验和错误的方法,以十欧元的价格。令他惊讶的是多少,这是一种进步和无法忍受的产品卖一欧元的电阻。生产了包括更好的电阻,即使零售价格已经设置的基础上,降低单位成本。高端设计师努力丰富自己的产品,而不是单位成本低。

在高端设计师眼中是电子或机械设计不仅仅是一个技术问题;也正是爱与奉献的行为。它是为那些不习惯这样的做法令人惊讶,其中一个组件技术和音乐的设计各方面进行了探讨。The ethos of the reproduction of music reaches to the core of the existence of the high-end designer: it does not concern a job for which he or she must show up to work daily. The result for the listener is the manifestation of a substantially more powerful and intimate involvement with the music, than is possible with equipment which was designed without this form of devotion.

What is high-end audio?
What is high-end sound?

It arises when the audio system is forgotten, seemingly and nearly unperceived it got replaced by the artists in your room. It is present when the artist or composer speaks to you through time and space. It is nearly tangible when you feel the conciliatory physical sensation during a musical climax. 这是一种难以形容的情绪的过山车,作曲家已经编码的声音的结合。它是有形的物质世界的短暂消失,让你的意识落后只是伴随着音乐。


2010 - 2017该公司是auteursrechtelijk beschermd。大家都在voorbehouden。带电电缆的终极体验

 荷兰live cable(现场 拉阔)premium平衡线

 荷兰live cable(现场 拉阔)premium平衡线
